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find us:

The creche is located at ulica Drukarska 1 in Krakow. You can get to us by tram (lines 52,11,18 towards czerwone maki p+r) or by bus. The campus of the Jagiellonian University, the Kraków technological Park and the Ruczaj pasaż are nearby. There are parking spaces in front of the premises.

use the contact form and ask us a question.

We will do our best to answer all queries within 24 hours!


LITTLE + 2021 program.

Co-financing the operation of care places in  form of lowering the tuition fees in  Private Bilingual Nursery "Małe Cuda" at ul. Drukarska 1 in Krakow.

The co-financing covers the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021.

The grant amount is PLN 22,080

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