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little geniuses


Learning and play - during these activities children in the early stages develop their skills and get to know the world. In our nursery, we make every effort to ensure that our pupils develop their potential through bilingual learning of the world. 

Brains of young children are constructed in such a way that languages ​​are easiest to learn from birth to the age of seven.

Then the "language treasury" closes and the language is learned only "logically" and not naturally. That is why it is worth starting as soon as possible.

Our curriculum has been developed based on the MEN guidelines, the MRPiPS guidelines as well as enriched to a large extent with scientific and academic achievements in the field of early childhood education in other European countries.

And all of this is supported by the  principle of bilingualism, all that effort to give our children the best start on the path of education.

Little Miracles Creche meets all the requirements set by local and government institutions as well as control bodies (Sanepid, PSP, UM).

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